12 Ağustos 2018 Pazar

Maiden’s Tower (Kız Kulesi)

Maiden’s Tower

When passing through the Salancak District which is connected to the coastal county, Üsküdar, wide staircases at the sea coast invite you to sit on the digits. When you start to watch Bosporus after sitting on a digit, a historical structure built on an island attached to your eyes. This historical structure is called as “Maiden’s Tower”.  You can enjoy while watching the unique structure especially if you buy a cup of coffee.
kız kulesi ile ilgili görsel sonucu
“Maiden’s Tower” with 2500 years of History
BC “Maiden’s Tower”
Based on historical documents it is thought that the tower was built five hundred before the birth of the Prophet Christ and the tower witnessed all events from the ancient Greek Empire period to the Republic of Turkey. According to the thesis of Greek researcher living in Istanbul, Evripidis, the land of Maiden’s Tower built gradually moved away from the shore and took the position of today’s island.
The first historical source mentioned from the islet belongs to BC 410. According to the source, “Maiden’s Tower” was built in order to check the ships which entered to Bosporus by the Greek Commander Alkibiades. Nearly seventy years later from Alkibiades, another ancient Greek Commander Chares made a tomb built for his wife in this islet.
Roman Period and the “Maiden’s Tower”
AD 1110, first structure was built on this islet by the Emperor Manuel Comnenos. This structure was in the form of a tower. The tower was one of two towers built by the Emperor Manuel Comnenos. The other tower is located in the coast of Sarayburnu where is the beach of Topkapı Palace, the palace was built during the Ottoman period. Emperor Manuel Comnenos as ancient Greek Commanders controlled the ships thanks to the Maiden’s Tower.
The Byzantine Period and the “Maiden Tower”
Maiden’s Tower was restored in by the Byzantine Emperor because it was damaged throughout the history. The tower was used by Byzantine Empire for defense of Istanbul during besieged by Fatih Sultan Mehmet. The command Gabriel Treviziano, who came from Venice to help the Byzantine Empire, used the Maiden Tower as a military base.

Ottoman Period and the “Maiden’s Tower”

After conquest of Istanbul by Fatih Sultan Mehmet, the tower was demolished located on the islet by the Ottoman Government and a modern castle was built. Although balls were placed on the Maiden Tower and the marine life’s security was provided, it was not the main purpose of tower. The tower had become a conduit to the body show of Ottoman Empire during the period of Fatih Sultan Mehmet. For example, Mehteran Team had performed “nevbet”, national anther of the period, for celebration from the tower. Ottoman architecture can be seen in the first two floors of the Maiden Tower.
Maiden Tower was renovated several times during the Ottoman period. It was heavily damaged by the earthquake called “Little Apocalypse” so the tower was restored completely by Yavuz Sultan Selim.
Ceremonial shots were done from the tower used for ceremonies by Fatih Sultan Mehmet, and this event was a tradition; also when Süleyman the Magnificent and Selim III took the throne, these were announced to the public from the tower.
During stagnation and decline periods of the Ottoman Empire, the tower was used for the purpose of defense again. In 19th century, Maiden’s Tower was used as a hospital because of cholera epidemic. Unfortunately about thirty thousand people died because of this disaster, but the entire city saved thanks to the tower. The last restoration was made during the period of Mahmud II.
Republican Period and the “Maiden’s Tower”
The Maiden Tower again passed a major restoration during the Second World War. Many parts made of wood were demolished and rebuilt by concrete. In 1943, the huge rocks were placed around the Maiden’s Tower for pretending shifting the tower into the sea. Barns and gas storage tanks were removed from around the tower.
In 1959, the Maiden’s Tower was assigned to the Naval Forces Command and it was used as a radar station on the purpose of controlling the sea and air traffic. In 1983 the tower was transferred to the Turkey Maritime so it was used as a radio station for providing naval communications until 1992.
And Today the “Maiden’s Tower”
In 1995, the Maiden’s Tower had been transferred to a private company by the government for the period of forty- nine years. In 2000, the door of the tower was opened to the visitors and the tower became an attractive structure for local and foreign tourists.
Visiting the historical tower is possible every day of the week at certain hours with boats departing in Salacak Coast. You will be fascinated by the view of the historical peninsula from the tower’s top floor. Topkapı Palace located on the top of the historical peninsula doesn’t seem so glorious from no other point.
Bosporus which separates the two continents seems perfect from the Maiden’s Tower. Also the views of the Golden Horn and “Galata Bridge” affect you absolutely. You can have a chance to see Kadıköy district and its modern lines.
You can also have the chance to see the entire landscape in details thanks to the vending machines. You shouldn’t forget to take your camera with you. If you forget you will regret because the intersection of the Sea of Marmara and the Bosporus can be seen from the tower beautiful. Briefly Maiden’s Tower is a unique point.
We hope, your experience in this mysterious place, referred to many legends will leave the shade things that we have mentioned. Also we hope, you will have a chance to leave yourself to the magical ambiance of Maiden’s Tower.

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