12 Ağustos 2018 Pazar

Kınalıada - Istanbul Islands

Kınalıada (meaning “Henna Island” in Turkish, after the colour of its earth) is the nearest island to the European and Asian side of Istanbul, about 12 kilometres (7 mi) to the south. This therefore was the island most used as a place of exile in Byzantine times (the most notable exile being the former emperor Romanos IV Diogenes, after the Battle of Manzikert, 1071). This is one of the least forested islands, and the land has a reddish colour from the iron and copper that has been mined here.
kınalıada ile ilgili görsel sonucu
How to get to the Princes’ Islands:
To get the Princes’ Islands, there are several options. The public IDO ferry conventional service (90 minutes from Kabatas to Büyükada; frequent services) is large and often crowded, but if you can find a space it’s possible to sit outside. The ferry begins at the Adalar Iskelesi dock at Kabatas pier, and stops in Kadiköy on the Asian side before going on to Kinaliada, Burgazada, Heybeliada and finally Buyukada.
There is also an IDO fast service (40 minutes to Buyukada) from Kabatas which stops in at Kinaliada, Burgazada and Buyukuda. In winter, departures to and from the Islands go once daily. Departures are more frequent in summer. Check the website  ido.com.tr for up to date timetables.

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